Iina-Alisa Wahl
Data is sempiternal
Data is not a new concept. Data is [n]ever new. Data is sempiternal.
One would think that combining nature and technology in design would create strong contrasts. Surprisingly, it builds a harmony of strength and vulnerability. Our universe is based on this balance – a connection between the two.
There is a very certain quality in the Scandinavian nature and landscape during different seasons: peach-colored winter sun, painfully raw yet sparkling spring light, the blue moment of summer nights, and especially is this cloudy, almost dull light that falls from the metallic sky without creating any shadows. In our landscape there are rough, rocky elements, like the eskers from the ice age and the arctic hills. When observing close-up, one finds the most beautiful and delicate details that beautifully contrast with the strength of our ancient landscape – the cottongrass softening the view over the Nordic wetlands, or the gentle birch forests in the bleak and bare islands in the archipelago.
Nature invades our lives even today in the modern society. It is the ultimate source for all things in human life, the womb for our culture and all its accomplishments. Nature contains all the levels of the ancient knowledge that we need to build our intelligent society: it holds the keys to the mathematical fields of science and technology as well as to culture, sociology and arts. Nature has its own logic, an unseen database written in minerals, chemical structures, and energy levels. This database functions as a fundamental construction for our world. Everything is built on this structure, in the same way as garments are built on the structure of a body.
Steve Reich, pioneer in minimalist music, seems to build singular ticking morse-like rhythms into deep harmonies and musical landscapes. Reich's music inspired me to research the phenomenon of data made visual, and connecting it to the most opposite association, the nature. Music is the ultimate visual inspiration for me as it contains a lot of impressions, feelings and qualities, almost textures.
One of the key elements in the collection is the print design depicting the natural database that surrounds us. I was inspired by the starling murmurations and geometry found in nature, and I brought them together to visualize this database. The print also pays attention to the connection between the earth and the sky, as they both possess some information of our universe and they are in constant interplay. They both are needed to create a picture of a landscape, and we need the landscape to perceive ourselves, our focus and direction, and where we belong physically or mentally. This way the question of being part of a bigger entity and belonging somewhere is also present in this print.
The collection also features wooden elements. They function as a metaphore for nature connecting things and beings together. The fabric materials – i.a. silk and ecological cotton - also demand returning to contact with nature.
Tutkin mallistossani luonnon ja rationaalisen logiikan suhdetta sekä ihmisen tapaa käsittää itseään paikan tai maiseman avulla ja osana sitä. Lähtökohtina malliston kuvamaailmalle olivat lintuparvien muodostelmat sekä luonnossa esiintyvä säännönmukainen geometria. Ajatus luonnon tietokannasta konkretisoituu ihmisen kantaessa yllään maisemaa ja sen näkyväksi tehtyä, visuaalisessa muodossa esitettyä informaatiota. Mallistossa näkyy muun muassa puuelementtejä osana vaatetta sekä digitaalitulostettua printtipintaa.
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